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Medical Device Hacks, Lead Beyond Flint, The Clintons' Naloxone Gift And More: Weekly Roudup

Staff Sgt. Bernardo Fuller
U.S. Army
The da Vinci Surgical System, which enables surgeons to perform operations by remote control, was hacked by researchers. They then figured out a way to encrypt the device.

ZikaVirus dominated the headlines in public health this week, while Michigan scrambled to get drinkable water to Flint. A grand jury in Texas investigating the sale of fetal tissue by Planned Parenthood indicted two of the activists who made that infamous video. Amidst all that, you could be forgiven for missing some equally interesting, but less headline-grabbing stories. We've got you covered. 

Not Just Flint: Lead Poisoning Is A Nationwide Problem

The data on childhood lead poisoning is alarming. Nine counties report even higher levels than Flint, according to an article in Vox. Also alarming: more than half of states don't even report. You have got to see this map.

Overdose Antidote Offered To High Schools, But Many May Not Be Able To Accept

The Clinton Foundation announced Monday that it would provide every US high school with the overdose-reversing drug naloxone, and the manufacturer is paying for nurses to learn how to administer it. But how many are legally allowed to is an open question. Side Effects' Andrea Muraskin takes a look.   

From Iraq To Chiraq: Teens And Veterans Come Together To Process Trauma

"Every time you look up somebody else is getting killed, and I never know if it's me or somebody I am really close to." This phrase could have come out of the mouth of a soldier, but it was spoken by a 15-year-old on the west side of Chicago. A YMCA there is getting vets together with traumatized teens to help them cope. NPR's Audie Cornish reports

Medical Device Hacks Pose A Threat

We're not tech experts - but it sure seems like if there's a computer involved, someone figures out a way to hack in. That goes for medical devices like automated fluid pumps and surgical robots, too. The good news is no one's been hurt so far, but consumer advocates are calling for tighter privacy lawsKQED has the story

Why Aren't More Teens Getting Tested For HIV?

A new study shows that teen HIV testing rates did not increase between 2005 and 2013, despite government recommendations and campaigns to get teens screened. Side Effects reporter Michelle Faust spoke with the study's author to learn more.  

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