Eighteen months after shutting off its pipeline from Detroit and tapping the Flint River, the city of Flint is going back to Detroit water. For the past year and a half, Flint residents have endured a progressively nightmarish existence every time they filled a glass from their kitchen faucet.
The state, the city and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation together are contributing $12,000,000 to shut off the tap to the Flint River.
This story was originally published by Michigan Radio.
“I’m in full support of a return to the Great Lakes Water Authority (formerly the Detroit Water and Sewage Department),” Governor Rick Snyder told a news conference Thursday in Flint, “and that we do this in a prompt and efficient fashion.”
It may only take a few weeks to bring to an end what has become a failed experiment.
The cloudy water smelled and tasted bad. Then there were E. coli outbreaks. The heavy chlorination in response to those outbreaks left people with burned skin and hair falling out in clumps.
A disinfectant by-product landed the city in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act for a year.

A Virginia Tech research team found ‘serious’ levels of lead in the tap water in a significant percentage of Flint homes. Other tests showed blood lead levels in Flint children have doubled since the switch.
New tests of drinking water in 13 Flint schools show 4 schools with seriously high lead levels. At one school, the water tested at more than 100 parts per billion -- more than six times the federal action level for lead.
“We are suggesting we have specialized staff go in and really track who has elevated blood levels,” says Nick Lyon, the director of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Pastor Allen Overton has been a leader in the grassroots movement to return Flint to Detroit water. He listened as the governor and other officials talked about the steps being taken to quickly get Detroit water flowing to Flint again.
Overton blames Flint’s mayor and other city leaders for not asking the governor for help sooner.
“If they had (brought) it to the governor before now I think he would have moved before now,” says Overton, “But they were slow about getting it to the governor. So that’s why I think it took so long to get to this point.”
The head of Flint’s public works department says it will take about two weeks to re-connect with Detroit's system.
But that doesn’t end Flint’s water woes.
The highly corrosive Flint River water has caused, by some estimates, tens of millions of dollars in damage to older lead and iron pipes in Flint. Lead will continue to leach into the water even after the switch to a less corrosive water source. Children who have been drinking water with high levels of lead for more than a year may suffer long-time health effects.
Flint Mayor Dayne Walling says the city will need help repairing and replacing its aging and decaying water infrastructure.
He suggests other cities should pay attention to what’s been happening in Flint.
“There are important lessons from Flint’s experience,” says Walling. “We need to take a look at federal and state policy reforms that include expanding water safety sampling to include our most vulnerable families. We need to look at factors of affordability in public health and infrastructure all being assessed together,” he says.
Governor Snyder says he’s asking the Michigan legislature for half the expected $12,000,000 it will cost of getting Flint hooked back up to Detroit water. That's until next year, when a new pipeline from Lake Huron is expected to be ready.
For more background on Flint's water troubles, click here.