There are few aspects of life that have not been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Side Effects Public Media has launched a Facebook Live series called…
After Rebecca and Bruce Austin gave birth to their daughter, they struggled to get pregnant again. So they signed up to become foster parents.“I wouldn’t…
Members of our Indiana 2020 Two-Way texting group told us they wanted to know more about health care costs, what’s being done to address them, and why the…
Side Effects has been picked to join other public radio collaborations in America Amplified - Election 2020, a national initiative designed to produce…
A wide range of healthcare issues drew headlines in 2019, affecting the lives of millions of Americans. Here are some highlights from Side Effects Public…
On a chilly afternoon, Terry Cox has come to Mountain View, Mo., to see a dentist. He’s waiting on a bench outside a converted rectory.“Came to get a…
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear will not move forward with the former governor's controversial changes to the state's Medicaid program, including a work…
It’s open enrollment season for the health insurance marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act. But many people who need to sign up may not know…
For months, Democratic presidential candidates have been swarming Iowa, seeking support for the caucuses on February 3. Healthcare -- and how to pay for…
Jessica Sheridan’s plan was to have her first daughter at the local hospital, five minutes from her house in Iowa Falls.But when she was seven months…