Lower Is Better: Results of A Blood Pressure Study Could Save Lives
Findings were so strong that researchers ended the study a year early, as The Washington Post reports.
New Bill Takes Aim At Prescription Drug Prices
Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Elijah Cummings announced new draft legilsation this week that would make big changes to the way Americans buy medicine, including allowing us to import cheaper drugs from Canada. Side Effects reporter Andrea Muraskin has more.
More Evidence That Smoking E-Cigarettes May Lead To The Real Thing
A study published earlier this week in JAMA Pediatrics adds to mounting evidence that electronic cigarettes may serve as a gateway to traditional smoking for young people. E-cig companies can also market to youth in ways that cigarettes can't. Side Effects' Jake Harper takes a look.
Health Insurance Hack May Effect 10.5 Million
The latest health insurer to fall victim to a cyber-attack is Upstate New York's biggest. Side Effects reporter Michelle Faust broke the story Wednesday.