Managing drug shortages is a routine part of a pharmacist’s job, but it’s become increasingly more difficult as shortages of ADHD medications, chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics continue nationwide.
Federal health officials recommend that preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder receive psychological counseling before they are put on…
David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz chronicle America's poisonous relationship with lead in Lead Wars. "We've created a terribly toxic environment in all sorts of ways," Rosner says.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is most commonly diagnosed in children. But older adults may find that what they had worried was early dementia is actually ADHD.
By assessing the strength of certain connections in the brain with an MRI test, researchers were often able to tell whether children and adolescents had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Children with mental health issues are more likely to struggle with jobs, family and social life as adults. And that's true even for children whose problems aren't severe enough to be diagnosed.
There's a correlation between physical movement and mental work, new research suggests. For kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, that may mean bouncing a knee helps sharpen their focus.
"Sometimes just what the doctor ordered might be a tree or a patch of lawn, maybe the chance to walk in the woods. Nearly a decade ago now, journalist…
A network in the brain that helps control daydreaming seem to be slower to develop in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Some earlier research hinted that Ritalin and Adderall can hamper a child's growth. But a study of adults who took the drugs as kids now suggests any such effect is only temporary.