Maryland's prisons and jails release thousands of inmates each year without helping them enroll in Medicaid, jeopardizing their health and putting communities at greater risk.
Despite the attention to lead in water, the biggest health risk to children is still from lead paint. The city of Baltimore banned lead paint way back in 1950, but children continue to be poisoned.
The death of Freddie Gray highlighted distrust between Baltimore's African-American community and the police. There's also a divide between impoverished neighborhoods and the city's health system.
Baltimore Health Commissioner Leana Wen is working to put the anti-overdose medication naloxone into the hands of as many heroin users as possible. But the price of the antidote has nearly doubled.
Shuttered pharmacies and concerns about public safety in Baltimore contributed to health problems ranging from unfilled prescriptions to people delaying care for asthma and diabetes.