There is a shortage in African American blood and stem cell donors. This leaves many African American patients with blood cancers and sickle cell disease scrambling to find matches. The need is huge, but the barriers also run deep.
When Corinne Standefer retires as a volunteer from the Lane Bloodworks in Eugene, Ore., this month, she will have donated 37 years of her life — and…
Raul Mora's job gets a lot more stressful in the summertime — so, to kick back, he plays third base and pitcher on a baseball team."I play with the Sea…
A hidebound stigma? A "double tragedy?" US blood donation rules are coming under scrutiny after Sunday's mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando.“I’m…
For three decades, men who have sex with men were barred from ever donating blood. A new policy will allow gay and bisexual men to donate, but only if they've been celibate for at least a year.
Australian James Harrison, 78, has been donating blood for the past 60 years. His plasma contains a rare antibody for a vaccine that protects pregnant women and babies with incompatible blood types.
Rules governing who can donate blood in the United States have recently changed. But anyone who spent more than three months in the UK between 1980 and 1996 is still prohibited from donating.
The FDA recommends overturning a lifetime ban on blood donations by men who have sex with men. It's the right solution, but it still won't help me donate.
The lifetime ban on blood from any man who has had sex with men dates to the 1980s, before there was a good test to screen for HIV. Critics say the policy is outmoded and needlessly discriminatory.
According to the National Institutes of Health, 150 trials are currently underway testing therapies using stem cells from umbilical cord blood. “These are…