Thirty-nine people have been sickened with the same strain of E. coli in Washington and Oregon. Fourteen have been hospitalized. Most reported eating at several Chipotle locations before falling ill.
You may have noticed the periodic recalls at your local supermarket, warning of listeria, e. coli or salmonella in recent shipments of produce or frozen…
We're not talking about just a smidge. Roughly 10 percent of samples tested contained at least 10 percent cow's milk. Doctors say the diluted milk could be dangerous for babies for several reasons.
More than a dozen federal agencies play a part in keeping food from making Americans sick. Critics say the system has gaps, and we'd all be safer if federal food safety efforts were under one roof.
By making E. coli dependent on an artificial amino acid, scientists hope to show that engineered organisms can be safer and more useful for industrial processes like drug production.
We all think of airplanes as hotbeds for diseases. But how easily do pathogens spread on jets? One travel doctor explains what he does to keep from bringing home microbial stowaways.