A newly returned "Ebola fighter" tells why she didn't feel like a hero when she got back. Instead, she felt lost, beset by Ebola dreams and virtually imprisoned in her own home.
Ebola can linger in semen for months after a person recovers from the disease. So survivors are typically given condoms and a stern warning. But India is being more cautious.
International aid groups say the decline in volunteers is due to quarantine restrictions imposed by New York and New Jersey.
The virus appears to have taken two new victims in the West African country. The government is stepping up its quarantines and contact tracing to prevent an outbreak.
Dr. Craig Spencer contracted Ebola while treating patients in Guinea with Doctors Without Borders. Officials say he now poses no public health risk.
Kaci Hickox, who was quarantined after arriving home from caring for Ebola patients in West Africa, plans to leave this week with her boyfriend but hasn't said where they will go.