Some fast-food franchisees are rethinking putting workers on part-time status to avoid having to provide them with health insurance. The business hassles are exceeding the savings.
Starting Jan. 1, midsize companies must offer health insurance to their workers or risk a penalty. A firm that has already faced that problem is helping low-paid employees enroll in Medicaid, instead.
Premiums for job-based medical insurance rose moderately — 4 percent in 2015 — but employers continued to shift in expenses to workers, according to a new…
An Obamacare tax that starts in 2018 may prompt more employers to establish private health insurance exchanges. They'll give their workers cash to choose from a greater variety of plans.
Many companies are expected to expand coverage to same-sex spouses if they already offer benefits to opposite-sex spouses. But the recent Supreme Court decision doesn't require them to do so.
A small but growing number of employers tie financial incentives to losing weight and exercising. The cost of nonparticipation can be so high that critics question whether workers have a true choice.
Marlene Allen thought she had decent medical coverage after she fell in December and broke her wrist. She had come in from walking the dogs. It was wet.…
Health plans that require people to pay thousands of dollars up front cut costs in the first three years, a study finds. But no one knows if costs will rise later as people avoid preventive care.
Brokers and consultants have told large employers they could save money by shifting workers with expensive health conditions into insurance marketplace exchanges. Now that has been deemed illegal.
In his first news conference since an overwhelming victory for Republicans on Tuesday, the House speaker also said approval of the Keystone XL pipeline is a key item on the GOP agenda.