House Republicans have been threatening to sue President Obama over executive actions he's taken on the Affordable Care Act. Today, they pulled the trigger.
A state law now requires insurers to reveal prices of their medical tests, and the variation is amazing, bargain hunters say. An MRI of the back is $614 at one place, $1,800 at another.
Home health care aides often toil for low pay and in jobs without benefits, including health insurance. A million more home health care workers will be needed to meet demand over the next decade.
"A year ago this week, the healthcare.gov website was in near meltdown. Both supporters and opponents of Obamacare were appalled at how badly the rollout…
A federal calculator that companies use to certify whether their health insurance complies with the Affordable Care Act appears to bless plans without hospital coverage.
For years Catholic health plans have been arranging for independent insurance firms to provide contraceptive coverage to their enrollees.
As early as 2015, firms with more than 200 employees may have to automatically enroll their workers in a company health plan. Though workers can opt out, some still find the provision patronizing.