Faced with 1 million people who left voice mails saying they wanted to buy health insurance, the federal government is giving people two more days to sign up on the federal exchange.
The deadline for buying health insurance that starts Jan. 1 has arrived. Many people who lack coverage in 2016 will face fines that could reach thousands of dollars.
Supporters of Kentucky's insurance exchange have asked the governor-elect to reconsider a pledge he made to shutter it and shift people to the federally run HealthCare.gov.
The cost of health plans that allow more choices of doctors and hospitals is rising almost twice as much as those with rigid networks, finds an analysis of markets around the country.
Open enrollment for the health law’s 2016 marketplace plans began Sunday, and federal officials caution consumers to check out premium prices because in…
Alaskans have the highest rates for health insurance in the country. Many get a subsidy to help defray the cost, but those who don't wonder, increasingly, whether it's time to go without insurance.
Premiums will increase an average of 7.5 percent for the second-lowest-cost silver insurance plan to be offered next year in the 37 states where the…
Victims of domestic violence can qualify to sign up for health coverage outside of the regular open enrollment period. The U.S. Department of Health and…
Some analysts who have looked at health insurers’ proposed premiums for next year predict major increases for policies sold on state and federal health…
In its first five years, the Affordable Care Act has survived technical meltdowns, a presidential election, two Supreme Court challenges -- including one…