Charlie Stewart is tall, 25 years old, and broad-shouldered. He’s wearing a gray polo shirt and slacks, and starts each morning with a protein shake.Every…
Primary care doctors and medical students will now be able to gain accreditation as addiction medicine specialists. The American Board of Medical…
Walgreens Monday announced it will offer over-the-counter distribution of the opioid overdose drug naloxone in all its stores in Indiana and Ohio.Naloxone…
A few days into heroin detox—when you’re still in the throwing-up phase of withdrawal—is not a good time to learn your insurance is refusing to pay for…
Addiction specialists argue that substance abuse is best treated when it’s managed like any other chronic disease—with specialist care. But the country…
Containing the nation’s growing heroin addiction and ongoing prescription opioid abuse epidemic, is often presented as a law enforcement problem. But…
Native Americans have some of the highest substance abuse rates compared to other ethnic groups. Alcohol and meth are the drugs of choice. Now, cartels are taking advantage of lax police enforcement.
Like asthma or diabetes, opioid addiction is a chronic condition. Could treatment that begins when people show up in the ER get them on the right road faster?
The scene of a heroin overdose is familiar to Michelle Hodge, a patrol officer on the Near Westside of Indianapolis: someone lying blue and unconscious on…
New numbers released by the federal government reveal a continuing upward trend in drug overdose deaths, with 43,982 deaths in 2013 from both prescription…