Southern Baptists voted to oppose In Vitro Fertilization for the first time during their convention in Indianapolis. It’s a move that, some worry, could indicate a growing push among conservative groups to advance arguments for fetal personhood and further restrict reproductive choice.
Lawmakers across the U.S. say they want to shield in-vitro fertilization providers from legal threats.The question is: How can they do that effectively?
Before long, human embryos will be made so easily in the laboratory that many people will choose that route for having children. The option would offer genetic control at an ethical price.
During the past few years, Oregon has quietly become a prime location for women willing to carry children for those unable to get pregnant. There are…
Maryland same-sex couples who wanted to take advantage of a state law that requires insurers to cover pricey in vitro fertilization treatments used to…
Achieving pregnancy with in vitro fertilization depends largely on your age. But other factors contribute, too. A study compares two online tools aimed at giving couples a realistic sense of the odds.
The technique aims to rejuvenate a woman's eggs using mitochondria from cells extracted from her ovaries. A Toronto clinic's first births are due soon, and some doctors are worried about side effects.