With more states legalizing recreational marijuana, parents are facing the question of whether they should smoke pot around their children. "I have never…
California’s decision to legalize marijuana was touted as a victory for those who had argued that the state needed a system to decriminalize, regulate and…
In case you missed Wednesday's GOP presidential debate, Jeb Bush confessed he smoked pot "40 years ago" and Rand Paul defended a state's right to legalize…
Washington State Patrol Sgt. Mark Crandall half-jokingly says he can tell a driver is under the influence of marijuana during a traffic stop when the…
Physicians prescribe marijuana for medical use in 21 states, mainly for treating pain and nausea, but its effects are not always benign. In Colorado,…
Making pot legal for adults means teens will be more likely to use it too, say pediatricians. And while they're concerned about health effects, they say there are better ways to deter usage than jail.