The Lincoln Scholars program at Southern Illinois University’s School of Medicine aims to train up-and-coming physicians to work in rural areas by providing them with rural clinical experience right off the bat.
Black medical students face challenges from the beginning. With less access to quality public school education, many find themselves ill-prepared and it takes them multiple tries at standardized tests required for medical school entrance. Once accepted, some are faced with racism inside the lecture and hospital halls.
Bianca Leigh is playing a character named Tia Lopez.“Tia Lopez is a 36-year-old woman of trans experience. She works as a bartender. She’s in a two-year…
Every year, for the past 15 years, a group of first-year medical students in St. Louis, Missouri have climbed on board three yellow school buses and…
The changing face of the healthcare industry is leading a growing number of physicians to pursue an MBA degree to complement their medical training. Close…
Surgery simulators--machines that allow medical students to practice manual skills--are expensive, so when Harvard Medical School noticed their simulators…
Industrialized medical care drives up costs and leaves doctors and patients frazzled. Now some doctors are trying a more deliberate and mindful approach to the practice of medicine.
The field of medical education is experiencing just as much upheaval these days as the field of medicine itself. My next guest is Dr. Susan Skochelak. She…
The "Sound Medicine" show for Oct. 12, 2014 includesTo practice treating rare conditions, nursing students use programmed baby manikinsWith the ebola…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/022413_6.mp3According to Frances Prevatt, M.D., adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, is common…