Steve Silberman talks about how Nazi extermination plans and a discredited scientific paper about childhood vaccines shaped our current understanding of autism.
Dr. Thomas Dent Mütter (1811-1859) was a pioneering physician who helped modernize surgical practice and innovate plastic surgery in the US. Here we…
Computerized prescription orders are one real advantage. Clicking checkboxes on screen after screen not so much.
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/050513_1.mp3Almost 80 percent of all medical diagnoses can be made from a patient’s history and current symptoms.…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/061613_1.mp3In 1983, a morning sickness medication called Bendectin was taken off the market after hundreds of…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/082513_6.mp3The National Institutes of Health has agreed to allow the descendants of Henrietta Lacks some control…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/090813_3.mp3Little kids often complain about having an upset stomach. But did you know kids who have lots of…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/111713_6.mp3Many think the plague is a historical illness that ceased to exist in the medieval ages. But that may…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/033014_8.mp3Frank Netter, M.D., morphed a career in medicine into something he truly loved to do: draw. Francine…
http://soundmedicine.org/segments/020214_5.mp3The iron lung was a device used to treat patients who had lost lung function due to polio in the 1950s. The…