A much-anticipated new study found two popular opioid addiction medications are equally effective after treatment begins.However, the newer of the two…
A shortages of qualified treatment providers is frequently cited as an obstacle in fighting the opioid addiction crisis. Yet, according to research…
Philip Kirby says he first used heroin during a stint in a halfway house a few years ago, when he was 21 years old. He quickly formed a habit."You can't…
Indiana will cover methadone for the first time under its Medicaid programs beginning August 1. The state will also add five new opioid treatment programs…
Suboxone, the drug used to treat addiction, is fueling a new habit. David Greene talks to Andy Beshear, Kentucky's attorney general, who is cracking down on the new "pill mills" that dispense it.
Opiate addiction and how best to treat it continues to be a focus in Vermont. And that includes the question of where to provide medication-assisted…
Although they can manage drug addictions behind bars, inmates are at a high risk for overdosing and reoffending in their first year once released.That's…