Federal funding for Planned Parenthood will clearly be a flash point when Congress returns this week from its summer break.But the fate of many other…
A therapy that liberates the immune system to attack cancer cells drove Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) into complete or partial remission in fully 87 percent of…
BOSTON – Rohit Kulkarni, M.D., Ph.D., senior investigator in the Section on Islet Cell and Regenerative Biology at Joslin Diabetes Center and associate…
The heart holds its own pool of immune cells capable of helping it heal after injury, according to new research in mice at Washington University School of…
Patients coming to hospital emergency departments for acute asthma attacks in recent years received care that did not consistently meet nationally…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that at least 2 million Americans are sickened by antibiotic resistant infections each year and…
It was a “connect-the-dots” moment for Cameron Currie, PhD.While working on his doctorate degree in bacteriology at the University of Toronto in the…
The vaccine was developed by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and at Okairos, a Swiss-based biotech company owned by the British drug company GlaxoSmithKline.
Animal tests have been encouraging, but there's no guarantee the new vaccine will work in people. Several vaccines against Ebola have been tested before, but none has made it to the finish line.
The debate about whether it's OK to engineer and study microbes that could prompt a human pandemic has reignited. Each side now has a website and its own list of Nobelists and superstar supporters.