Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky will be closing its Fort Wayne health center.On Monday, President and CEO Christie Gillespie attributed the…
For people seeking transgender health services in Peoria, Illinois, chances are the first person they’ll talk to is Dana Garber.Garber is the transgender…
The administration's proposed budget would cut billions out of health programs at the NIH, CDC and FDA, as well as Medicaid services for children, the elderly and disabled.
A goal for many Republicans is to cut federal funding for health services at Planned Parenthood and divert those funds to public health centers. How ready are those centers to pick up that work?
If repealing the Affordable Care Act is the Republican Congress' job one, defunding Planned Parenthood is a close second.In fact, the two priorities might…
When Texas passed laws designed to shut down Planned Parenthood clinics, it slashed the state's family planning budget. Of the 82 clinics that closed, only a third were Planned Parenthood.
On Monday, a grand jury indicted two anti-abortion activists who made videos purporting to show the organization illegally sells fetal body parts. The videos prompted a wave of state investigations.
For advocates of women's reproductive rights, 2015 was the definition of "annushorribilis:" marked by tough new limits on abortion, a debilitating Planned…
A look at public health news from around the web. Those Crazy Codes! Experiencing toxic effects after being assaulted by a venomous marine plant? Perhaps…
Medical abortion services at the Columbia, Missouri Planned Parenthood clinic are under threat, due, in part, to political pressure from the Missouri…