Teenage pregnancy rates have declined across the country, but some parts of Texas have made much less progress on that. Abstinence-only sex ed policies may be one reason why.
Even though teen pregnancy rates are at an all-time low in the United States, the country has still experienced more pregnancies and sexually transmitted…
JACKSON, Miss. — At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the 11 students in Carol Jussely’s “Essential College Skills” class were talking about sex.Crammed into school…
Teenage sisters Alexis Dick and Kylie Robertson both want to be doctors or nurses when they grow up. Or maybe even obstetricians. (“I want to deliver…
Abortion rates are on the decline across the country.An Associated Press survey this week revealed abortion rates on average dropped 12 percent…
Sex education conjures images of teenage giggles and discomfort. But Bronx-based teacher Lena Solow is more than happy to talk about the topic.
Most school sex education programs stick to the nuts and bolts of biology. Teenagers who also talk about what makes for a good relationship are more likely to avoid pregnancy and STDs, a study finds.
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/033014_2.mp3An Indianapolis nonprofit called Saving Orphans through Healthcare Outreach teamed up with Crispus…