Fishers High School sits nestled between golf courses and subdivisions on the north end of one of Indiana’s most affluent “donut county” Indianapolis…
Teens and young adults who get seriously injured in an assault are nearly twice as likely as their peers to end up back in the emergency room for a…
What do skipping school, failing tests and engaging in risky sexual behavior have in common? Lots, according to Indiana University researchers who combed…
Daily smokers are less likely to graduate from high school or college and are at higher risk of suicide, according to an analysis of three long-term studies of teenagers in Australia and New Zealand.
Many studies have shown that the average adolescent doesn't get enough sleep, and that can cause physical and mental health issues.
The science is clear that teenagers need more than eight hours of sleep a night. The nation's pediatricians say school districts need to buck up and change schedules to let kids sleep later.