The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. The virus is spreading far beyond where it’s been endemic for decades through modes of transmission health experts still don’t fully understand.
Under ordinary circumstances, you'd swat that pesky fly. But the problems of daily life take on monumental scale in an Ebola treatment unit. Here's a guide to dilemmas and solutions.
Two of the therapies that medical teams plan to start testing next month involve antiviral drugs. Meanwhile, in Liberia, the president has lifted a state of emergency.
Can you run a clinical trial without a placebo group? That's one of the questions facing researchers in West Africa.
There are currently 13,042 confirmed or suspected cases of the deadly Ebola virus in six countries, the World Health Organization says.
The number of U.S. troops fighting Ebola in West Africa is set to increase dramatically this month, and the first two field hospitals erected by U.S. troops in Liberia will open in the coming days.
Tuberculosis remains in the headlines this week. Cases worldwide are on the rise and the World Health Organization says it could lead to pandemic levels…
Amber Vinson, 29, the second of two nurses diagnosed with the disease after treating an Ebola patient at a Dallas hospital, reportedly had no sign of the virus as of late Tuesday.
State and local health officials will begin monitoring all passengers entering the U.S. from countries hard hit from Ebola. The monitoring will last for 21 days.
Passengers from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea will be subject to secondary screening at JFK, Newark, Dulles, Atlanta and Chicago.