At Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, Dr. Samina Bhumbra has been receiving calls for help from health centers across the state. Callers describe…
After DorShann Lewis, a Black working mother in Fishers had her baby late last year, she relied on virtual visits to see her doctor. “It was much more…
Drug manufacturers have released promising early results for their COVID-19 vaccines, but skepticism among Americans remains high -- especially for…
This spring, as it became clear COVID-19 was hitting African-Americans especially hard, Indianapolis-area health officials vowed to set up testing sites…
Systemic racism has a huge impact on the health of African-Americans in the U.S. It's literally a problem from cradle to grave, affecting everything from…
Research shows African-Americans are less likely to access treatment for mental illness.Cultural norms and the stigma associated with having a mental…
Blair Holt was riding on a Chicago bus when he was shot and killed 11 years ago. His mother, Annette Nance-Holt, says she still regrets that she had plans…
At the National Black Caucus of State Legislators Conference in Indianapolis, U.S. Surgeon General and former Indiana Health Commissioner Jerome Adam…
About 100,000 people in the United States have sickle cell disease, and most of them are African-American. While there is effective care for the disease, it's difficult for patients to obtain.
Homicides, mainly gun deaths, are the biggest contributor to premature death among black Americans. Yet despite this harsh statistic, there’s very little…