Eleanor Klibanoff
Those who use two of the world's most popular websites can easily donate to charities working to stem Ebola's spread in West Africa. The money will help, but aid groups say awareness is important too.
Working with the government, the Red Cross sends 2 million texts a month to people in Sierra Leone, reminding them to wash their hands, take their temperature and protect themselves from Ebola.
With ear probes, infrared cameras and laser beams pointed at passengers' foreheads, airports around the world are trying to stop infected travelers before they board a plane.
The challenge: come up with a plan to improve healthcare in slums. There were 11,000 entries, featuring everything from bees to chewing gum as part of the proposal. And the winner is...
A community of about 20,000 Liberians lives around Atlanta. "We all know family, friends, neighbors that are falling victim" to the epidemic back home, one man says. He's collecting supplies to help.
With ear probes, infrared cameras and laser beams pointed at your forehead, airports around the world are trying to stop infected passengers before they board a plane.