Elizabeth Gabriel
Nearly one-fifth of adults in the United States have a mental health condition. But each year, over a third of adults with severe psychiatric disorders are misdiagnosed.
Some independent grocery stores open to try and serve food deserts –– areas where people live more than a mile from a grocer. But nearly 7% of these small retailers across the country closed each year from 1990 to 2015.
Individuals rely on birth control to treat a host of medical conditions. But birth control has become a hot-button issue, embroiled in political debates. And that worries some patients and providers about future access to the medications.
Millions of Americans perceive politics as a significant source of stress. How can people recognize signs of –– what specialists call –– sociopolitical stress? And what steps can they take to deal with it?
Lots of couples like having activities that they do together or buy gifts as a form of affection. It’s their love language. And for breast cancer survivors, maintaining that bond can lead to better physical and mental health outcomes according to a new data analysis.
Sickle cell disease is a debilitating genetic blood disorder. Many kids with the disease find themselves missing out on fun, immersive experiences like overnight summer camp. But one Indiana camp is looking to change that.
Climate change does not only impact water availability, it can also impact its quality.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana has increased in recent years. Around 17% of teens say they’ve been a passenger of a driver who wasn’t sober, and the results can be deadly. One school is trying to educate teenagers and curb impaired driving.
The Federal Trade Commission says drug makers are gaming the system in order to keep drug prices high by filing what it describes as "junk patents".
People who use wheelchairs don’t always have access to necessary training to be able to learn advanced skills that allow them to navigate an often inaccessible world. One program in Indiana aims to address that.