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Reviewing Treatments For Obesity, Health Analyst Gets Personal

A laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, commonly called a lap-band LAGB, is an inflatable silicone device placed around the top portion of the stomach to treat obesity, intended to slow consumption of food and thus reduce the amount of food consumed. Dr. staff
Wikiversity Journal of Medicine

In the latest issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, editor Fiona Clement reviewed the latest information on surgeries, devices and drugs for the treatment of obesity. She considered the options not just for doctors and the public, but for herself: she is 5-foot-10 and weights 230 pounds. Clement concluded the risks for each treatment outweigh the benefits writing "I'm off to the gym." WBUR's Commonhealth interviewed Clement to discuss these treatments and her difficult decision to write about her own struggle with obesity. Read the interview here: 

Health Analyst Scans New Obesity Options From Drugs To Devices, Heads Back To Gym