In the latest issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, editor Fiona Clement reviewed the latest information on surgeries, devices and drugs for the treatment of…
Bariatric surgery works for severely obese patients because it shrinks the size of the stomach. But years later, the stomach starts to expand and some patients regain the weight they lost.
In 2013, an estimated 19,000 Americans had bariatric surgery, a catch-all term used to describe procedures that help people lose weight. These surgeries…
People considering weight-loss surgery haven't had much evidence on long-term risks or benefits. A study finds lower death rates after surgery, even for people who were older and less healthy.
Patients are often sent for rehabilitation after surgery. But starting those exercise and healthy eating programs before the surgery might help even more. It's not rehab, it's "prehab."
Data from Michigan Bariatric Surgery Collaborative reveals sleeve gastrectomy outpacing gastric bypassIn an analysis of the type of bariatric surgery…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/041413_1.mp3To celebrate its 13th year on the air, "Sound Medicine" will be speaking with former guests about…
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/041413_full.mp3The “Sound Medicine” program for April 14Changes in Bariatric surgeryDid You Know: More fiber could…