A seven-person crew within BLM Louisville cooks and delivers hundreds of meals every week to the elderly and homeless, and the group is also working to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates among Black residents.
Reaching adulthood brings new challenges — new jobs, school, relationships — and that can affect a young person's mental health. But navigating the health care system to get help with that is often not easy.
Nationally, there are about 13 psychiatrists for every 100,000 people. In Indiana, there are only six for every 100,000 people, which is among the worst ratios in the U.S.
New mom Briante Melton of Indianapolis met her best friend at her lowest moment.“I just felt kind of like hopeless,” she said. “Like I was going to feel…
July marked 30 years since President Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. And while the U.S. has come far since then, the nation…
Members of our Indiana 2020 Two-Way texting group told us they wanted to know more about health care costs, what’s being done to address them, and why the…
Side Effects has been picked to join other public radio collaborations in America Amplified - Election 2020, a national initiative designed to produce…
A wide range of healthcare issues drew headlines in 2019, affecting the lives of millions of Americans. Here are some highlights from Side Effects Public…
On a chilly afternoon, Terry Cox has come to Mountain View, Mo., to see a dentist. He’s waiting on a bench outside a converted rectory.“Came to get a…
Across the country, nearly 95,000 people are waiting for a kidney transplant. And the list has been growing for years. That's pushed some people to try…