Eight years ago, Jeff Ammon, now 55, began noticing a feeling of pressure in his ears every day after work.Over the next months, when his symptoms…
There’s a cast of characters deep inside your ears -- many kinds of tiny cells working together to allow you to hear. The lead actors, called hair cells,…
The "Sound Medicine" radio program for September 21, 2014 includesIU psychologist discusses hearing loss and brain development among childrenHarvard…
Something as simple as eating fish can help lower the risk of hearing loss, researchers say. All types of fish helped. And since many people don't eat fish at all, there's an opportunity here.
The Ormia ochraceafly has sophisticated little ears — it can locate crickets by calculating their chirps. Those super-ears are inspiring the next generation of microphones for human hearing aids.
http://media.soundmedicine.org/segments/033014_3.mp3Losing your hearing is troubling for many reasons. But did you know that it may lead to depression?