Chances of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest are significantly higher if a school is prepared with a response plan and devices known as AEDs. But data show many schools aren't as prepared as they could be.
Local school board members are on the frontline of what is a health crisis at its core. Some school board members and superintendents across the state speak of a tough spot they’re put in. Some convey a message of confidence that things will be under control soon but others question why public health officials are not making these decisions in the middle of a resurging global pandemic.
As coronavirus cases spike in Iowa, tension is brewing between the governor, the state's large public universities and local campus communities over how to prevent the spread of the virus.
Schools are often on the forefront in spotting mental health issues in children. But historically educators have received little training in this area. In…
It’s the middle of summer but Harrisburg Middle School is a hive of activity. Between summer school classes and renovations, it’s a little chaotic for…
Schools in Illinois are adjusting to a new state-mandated rule that takes effect next week. Starting in January, they’ll be required to provide feminine…
For many black school-age youth, mental health needs can fly under the radar. They can lead some parents, teachers and other adults to perceive it as kids…
How education services would be effected has garnered little attention in the national debate as Republican lawmakers seek to repeal and replace the…
It was a busy summer for environmental safety workers at the school district in Rochester, New York, where employees sampled over 2,000 school water…
When children get sick at school, it can be a big disruption. For the kids – they have to miss class –and for mom or dad, who have to leave work, try and…