This week - With Obamacare safe from GOP repeal threats (for now), some Republican states are reconsidering Medicaid ... It may not be news to you that being overweight can harm your health, but the debate rages on ... Using Hanson, or Queen, or Madonna -- to save a life ... Read on ...
In Republican States Like Missouri, Medicaid Expansion Still Faces Stiff Opposition
Some states -- among them Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia -- have each said they are open to exploring the idea of Medicaid expansion after initially rejecting it. But in places like Missouri, the GOP-led state legislature continues to reject inclusion in a program that would cover more low-income residents with health insurance, reports Side Effects' Bram Sable-Smith.
Carrying Some Extra Pounds May Not Be Good After All
Patty Neighmond of NPR News reports: "New research published Monday adds fuel to an ongoing debate in the public health community over whether a few extra pounds are good, or bad, for you." The upshot: being slightly overweight may actually decrease a person's life span despite some researching indicating otherwise.
What Do Hanson And Madonna Have In Common? Hits Ideal For Saving A Life
All the songs on one New York hospital's "Songs to do CPR to" Spotify playlist have a tempo of 100 to 120 beats per minute, which is the same tempo at which one should give chest compressions during CPR. Rebecca Hersher reports on the education, um, push for NPR.

In Indiana this week:
Program Provides Cancer Patients With Medically-Tailored Meals
A program is aiming to support Hoosier cancer patients living with food insecurity by providing them medically-tailored meals in Indy.
Quick Hits
New Mexico is becoming the first state to require police carry an opioid overdose antidote.
A new tool lets employers see how much substance abuse affects their bottom lines.
More states are using new criminal justice tools to direct those with mental illness toward treatment services to keep them out of jail.
The maker of the EpiPen is recalling some of the devices in the United States.
Finally, can eating a healthier diet help keep Alzheimer's away?