Dave Rosenthal
Former managing editor, Side Effects Public MediaDave Rosenthal joined Side Effects in 2018 and previously was managing editor of Great Lakes Today, a public radio collaboration. Before moving to public broadcasting, he was The Baltimore Sun's investigations editor, and led projects that won honors including the Clark Mollenhoff Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism's Paul Tobenkin Memorial Award and the Investigative Reporters & Editors’ breaking news award. He was an editor for Sun staff work that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2003 and 2016. Dave has degrees from Wesleyan University and Boston University School of Law. In his free time, he can be found biking on roads and trails. He left Side Effects in 2021.
Para darle contenido significativo a sus videntes en el reportaje, por favor compare el número actual de muertes por el COVID-19 con el número promedio de…
Update: As the case count continues to rise, information on this story is moving quickly and may be out-of-date. We recommend checking the Centers for…
The recent spate of mass shootings, capped by the weekend tragedies in El Paso and Dayton, are bringing new attention to so-called "red flag" laws.These…
For years, transplant surgeons have been reluctant to use organs from people who were infected with hepatitis C, due to fears of spreading the virus. But…
Popular rapper Mac Miller is the latest musician to die after ingesting fentanyl — a grim tribute to the drug’s power. A coroner in Los Angeles says…