As soon as COVID-19 hit, there was a massive jump in telemedicine visits. A Centers for Disease Control study found that in March 2020 there was a 154%…
The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t stopped groups that help people with mental health issues, but it has complicated their work. Indiana Public…
The COVID-19 crisis disrupted life for everyone. But it's a unique challenge for those battling addiction. In-person meetings are often an essential part…
The coronavirus pandemic has forced hospitals and doctors to move much of their work online. That shift to telehealth required big changes -- from…
When children get sick at school, it can be a big disruption. For the kids – they have to miss class –and for mom or dad, who have to leave work, try and…
With just a few clicks of the mouse, Orlando mom Alyssa Grimes visits with a pediatrician from the comfort of her living room. She logs into a Skype...
A recent study by the Missouri Telehealth Network shows both patients and providers are satisfied with the quality of care telemedicine provides.…
As consulting a doctor exclusively by phone, text or video becomes more popular, the Texas Medical Board moves to restrict these e-visits. Is the real battle over patient safety, money or turf?